Sarana Developer

Sarana Developer

Our company PT. Sarana Bangun Sejati known as Sarana Developer was established in Batam in the year 2015. After continuously observing the growth of Batam in term of population, property market, and a supportive government on focusing the infrastructure, we decided to enter the property business as a real estate developer. We found a land that has great aspects in Batam Centre with the size of 13 hectares. The land is close to the International Airport, International Ferry terminal, shopping malls , universities and hospital. We named our first project Paragon Hill, a district where we develop with shop houses, residences, 3-stars hotel and also a plaza, which we believe could provide a comfortable one-stop living as the strong aspect in attracting residence, businessman, and investors through all sorts of values that an individual would want to have.

PT. Sarana Bangun sejati di kenal sebagai Sarana Developer didirikan di Batam tahun 2015. Setelah mengamati perkembangan populasi dan pasar properti di Batam, kami memutuskan untuk memasuki bisnis properti sebagai seorang real estate developer.Kami menemukan lahan tanah yang memiliki aspek besar di Batam Centre dengan ukuran 13 hektar . Lokasi tanah dekat dengan Bandara Internasional , International Ferry terminal , pusat perbelanjaan , universitas dan rumah sakit . Kami menamakan Proyek pertama PT. Sarana Bangun Sejati adalah Paragon Hill, sebuah kawasan dimana kami membangun ruko, perumahan, hotel bintang tiga dan juga sebuah plaza, dimana kami percaya dapat memberikan kenyamanan dengan One-Stop Living sebagai aspek yang kuat dalam menarik menjadi penghuni, pengusaha, investor melalui segala macam nilai-nilai yang diinginkan seorang individu.

  • Client Sarana Developer
  • Date September 16, 2016
  • URL View Project

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